Update Rolls Out icon.gifIn an update to today, Microsoft made some UI changes as well as added an option to set Windows Live Search as your default search engine in IE7. There is no official word on this release from the blog, but it appears to just contain the UI changes. As you can see, the new version of uses the Windows Live Orb and the Orb Menu. I would also assume that there have been some bug fixes in this release as well, but we do not know for sure. As soon as we get an official word on what the exact changes are, we will update this post with more.

Update: The Blog has posted the official statement on what has been changed. The changes include the following.

– Header Improvements

– Improved directory with 4 new gadgets (Today Show Recipes, MSNBC photo stream, Local News and New Media releases)

– Consistent Settings Model

– 3 New Markets (Korea, Norway and Mexico)'s 8/9 Update

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