2010 Haiti Earthquake

Haiti got struck by a 7.0-magnitude earthquake last week (Jan 12). Many heartbreaking photos and videos can be seen all over (Internet, television, newspapers). If you wish to see an all-over picture of the disaster: Bing maps has published new imagery for Haiti, showing the devastation. The imagery is 50 cm color imagery taken from Digital Globe’s new Worldview 2 satellite.

You can also check out the MSR HD-View on MSNBC and/or the Photosynth of Port au Prince.
Microsoft is making an initial commitment of $1.25 million and has activated its Disaster Response Team to monitor the situation in Haiti and support response efforts as appropriate. Through Microsoft’s support, nonprofit partner NetHope has been able to set up an immediate response, with specific focus on establishing temporary telecommunications infrastructure to allow humanitarian agencies to communicate and provide relief to the affected victims.

Our thoughts go out to the people in Haiti and their next of kin everywhere in the World.