Share Photosynths on Facebook

Photosynth just got an update, which allows you to share photosynths on Facebook.
Not just your own, any synth you like! You don’t even have to be signed in on the photosynth site to do so. How about that? Just click the Facebook button under the opened synth to do so.

Of course that wasn’t the only thing in this update, the team also fixed the following bugs:

  • The "x" to delete a synth from the "My Photosynths" page was sometimes missing. It’s back now, so it’s once again obvious how to delete one of your synths.
  • Tweaked the presentation of "zoomed-in highlights" (see here): made sure to never crop any of the parts inside the box you select in the editor.
  • The forums had a bug whereby postings less than a day old would always show as being written "moments ago".

These bugs were reported by many of you and the Photosynth team thanks you for that.

Their blog post also tells to watch for all your panoramas to be published to Bing Maps in the next Bing maps update. Now we don’t know if they mean to the Photosynth map app, or if photosynths are going to be put into Bing Maps directly. To be continued!