Bing Visual Search gets a new (HTML5) look

Thanks to a tweet from one of our Twitter followers, we noticed today that Bing Visual Search has a new, non-Silverlight look and feel, featuring (currently) 111 Visual Search Galleries:


Included in the Featured Galleries are Bing Home Page Images, the Microsoft Store, Windows Phone 7 Apps, and “Oprah’s past favorite things”, of all things. 

We like the Windows Phone 7 Apps gallery for browsing, although we  also like our new friend Luigi’s complete list of Apps, with a javascript counter we asked for and are featuring on our sidebar (as of this writing there are 4426 Windows Phone apps in the MarketPlace, and it seems to grow by about a hundred or so a day, according to WP7Applist.  Luigi explains the difference in counts in a tweet).  Unfortunately Microsoft Tags for WP7 apps have apparently vanished in the new HTML5 version of Visual Search, hopefully they’ll be back soon.

Visual Search seems to be a concept that keeps getting better, let us know what you think.