Joe Wilcox on What Live Means

In What Live Means, Joe Wilcox of Jupiter Research is noticing a broader, bolder objective for the move from MSN to Windows Live, one that really makes sense. MSN has been a consumer oriented brand, while Windows, and now Windows Live, has potentially much greater appeal in the business market. Internet services, and business uses of products like Messenger and Hotmail, for example, are bound to become more important, and even necessary for businesses in the new web.

This is not to say that Windows Live is not going to continue as a consumer brand, but as Wilcox says, the line between consumer and business uses is blurring. The Windows Live brand sets up as a better brand for business as well as a new fresh look for consumers.

And speaking of business uses, the Office Live Team blog has a new post hinting at some new features. Should we soon expect e-commerce capabilities?

"it is very clear for us how important is this scenario for some of you; we hear you."