Some notes on Spaces problems

Spaces icon.gifSpaces faced a bunch of problems when it launched last week, and many of them were fixed within a few hours or days. How much of a continuing problem are the bugs in Spaces though? A quick review of the Spaces we have available here shows that the statistics page is still not working in at least one of our Spaces, but the themes seem to be working better. Performance is still slow, and my feed reader (Newsgator/Feeddemon) is noticably slower to load and synch as it deals with the multiple Spaces I have subscribed.

Mary Jo Foley has posted twice on the Spaces issues, the Space Craft was quick to acknowledge the problems, Thomas J from the Spaces team has been getting help from his readers in tracking down problems, and Jason Antonelli dissects a couple of bugs in detail.

Still, some bloggers were unhappy enough to leave. In retrospect, it seems a mistake to have rolled out such a large upgrade all at once, with no beta testing. For most, it will all be soon forgotten, but for some, perhaps with an already bad perception of Microsoft, the damage has been done.

Edit: Phil Holden just posted this, on beta testing rollouts. I agree, Phil.