Google launches new AdMob SDK–for Windows Phone

140x250_Misc_Mobile-AppsIn what may be considered a good sign for the health of the Windows Phone ecosystem, Google has given the new OS a bit of a thumbs up today with the release of a new beta SDK for its mobile ad platform, AdMob.  Google acquired AdMob in late 2009 to power its mobile ad strategy, and today’s release will allow Windows Phone developers to build AdMob powered advertising into Windows Phone applications:

With the Windows Phone 7 SDK, developers can easily integrate advertising into their applications, control where the ads appear, and what types of ads are shown in their apps. The SDK supports text and banner ads with a variety of post click actions including opening a webpage and linking directly to the App Marketplace.
We have also taken steps to customize the ad experience for the look and feel of the Windows Phone 7 platform and make it easy for users to return to their application after engaging with the ad. Publishers can download the new SDK today by logging into their AdMob account and adding a site type of Windows Phone 7.

Of course Windows Phone has its own home grown advertising SDK, powered by Microsoft Advertising, and the introduction of a Google SDK is sure to bring some stiff competition into the Windows Phone ad space, but at least the folks at Google are interested enough in Windows Phone to take the time to create a new SDK.

More on the Google Mobile Ads blog.