SkyDrive releases ODF support, more: promises “bigger things coming soon”

As a few of our commenters on this morning’s SkyDrive post noticed, the SkyDrive team, via their Twitter account, have released “a few cool things”:

[blackbirdpie url="!/SkyDrive/status/192298695184756736"]

The link, which not coincidentally is using the new “” URL shortener, and links to an ODF document stored on SkyDrive, contains a short announcement about the new features:

Look, SkyDrive now supports Open Document Format! We also just released a few other things that we think are pretty cool:

* Share to Twitter

* 300MB file uploads in the browser

* Short URLs ( for Windows Phone images shared to Twitter

We have some really big things coming soon, but for now, enjoy these updates!

As for the really big things coming soon, a few of our readers are getting a sneak peak at what those might be, too.  Some readers are already getting (so far non-working) links to the desktop SkyDrive download:

skydrive windows download

According to Bing Translator, this reads:

You must first install Windows on the computer before you SkyDrive for a computer can add.

You must enable access anywhere in the settings of the app to SkyDrive from files and folders on the computer by browsing

skydrive computer add

… and at the bottom it reads “Add a computer”.


Here’s a screenshot of the (still non-working) “Add a Computer” dialog in English, from Jose Daniel in the comments below:

skydrive add english

So it looks like we will be getting new SkyDrive bits very soon, perhaps just as Google Drive is released.  What a coincidence!