
What is Live Contacts?

WLSoon icon.gifI posted yesterday about some of the things we can expect in the next update of Spaces, one of which was Live Contacts. This new service has two aspects to it.

Firstly, it allows a user to publish different information …

MSN Spaces to partner with ad services

Spaces icon.gifIn its imminent update, MSN Spaces is to partner with Kanoodle, in order to bring pay-per-click advertising opportunities to its users. Spaces that contain BrightAds integration can choose to display ads from a variety of areas, which notably includes Adult …

Windows Live Messenger Build 369

This morning, several testers are reporting that Messenger auto-update has upgraded their version of the Messenger Beta client to build 369. Although we are unable to obtain the upgrade via this method, it appears as though the new build is …

Windows Live Favorites due for an update, Bink says

WLFavorites posted some of the text of an email to Windows Live Favorites beta testers, setting the next update of the beta bits in the fourth week in January. WL Favorites (initially code-named Roaming Favorites), allows users to store their …

Spaces moves towards becoming Live

Spaces icon.gifThis week MSN Spaces moves closer to the portfolio of Windows Live services with the launch of its 10.5 release. This long overdue upgrade touts many user-requested features as well as introducing several major additions, including a social networking module, …

Office Live offers sophisticated Business Applications

office live beta logo.pngOffice Live, a three-tiered set of internet services aimed at small and very small businesses, will offer not only simple website and email services, but an impressive set of more sophisticated business applications, collaboration services, and management tools. To review …

Windows Live Sessions hit the road

WLSession icon.jpgThis week the new initiative launched by MSN, Windows Live Sessions, hits Europe, with Paris, Munich and London playing host to marketing gurus, digital consultants, members of various Windows Live communities and individuals from well known tech news sites. The …

Windows Live Messenger phone: Details announced

WLMessenger icon.gifOver on the Messenger blog there is a guest post by Aleks giving details on the recently demoed and soon to be shipped, Windows Live Messenger phone. According to the blog posting, it will be available for under $100 "soon …

Top Selling Xbox Live Arcade Titles Revealed

xbox360 logo.pngGamasutra has released the list of the top 10 selling Xbox Live Arcade games. Here you go!

1. Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved
2. Gauntlet
3. Smash TV
4. Bejeweled II
5. Zuma
6. Bankshot Billiards 2
7. Outpost Kaloki X …

Music Mix available on MSN Messenger 7.5

WLMessenger icon.gifAs of today, Music Mix is available to MSN Messenger 7.5 users as well as Windows Live Messenger 8.0 users. However the geographic restrictions still apply, it is only available to those users who live in USA, France, Germany, Japan …